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中国政府 希腊王国政府


(签订日期1972年6月5日 生效日期1972年6月5日)

  中华人民共和国驻阿尔巴尼亚      希腊王国驻阿尔巴尼亚人民
   人民共和国特命全权大使        共和国特命全权大使
      刘 振 华           德尼斯·卡拉亚尼斯
      (签字)              (签字)

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第一条 中外合资经营企业(以下简称合营企业)处理劳动管理问题,除《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》第六条第二款已有规定者外,都按照本规定办理。
第二条 合营企业职工的雇佣、解雇和辞职,生产和工作任务,工资和奖惩,工作时间和假期,劳动保险和生活福利,劳动保护,劳动纪律等事项,通过订立劳动合同加以规定。
第三条 合营企业职工,或者由企业所在地的企业主管部门、劳动管理部门推荐,或者经劳动管理部门同意后由合营企业自行招收,都需由合营企业进行考试,择优录用。
第四条 合营企业对于因生产、技术条件发生变化而多余的职工,经过培训不能适应要求、也不宜改调其他工种的职工,可以解雇;但是必须按照劳动合同规定,由企业给予补偿。
第五条 合营企业对于违反企业规章制度、造成一定后果的职工,可以根据情节轻重,给予必要的处分。开除处分,必须报请企业主管部门和劳动管理部门批准。(注:本条中关于“开除处分,必须报请企业主管部门和劳动管理部门批准”的规定已经失效。现在执行的是1984年1月19日经国务院同意,由劳动人事部发布的《中外合资经营企业劳动管理规定实施办法》中的第十条规定。)
第六条 合营企业解雇、处分职工,工会认为不合理的,有权提出异议,并派代表同董事会协商解决;协商不能解决的,按照本规定第十四条的程序办理。(注:本条规定已经失效。现在执行的是1988年5月5日国务院办公厅转发劳动部、人事部关于进一步落实外商投资企业用人自主权意见的通知中的第五条。)
第七条 合营企业职工因有特殊情况,按照劳动合同规定,通过工会向企业提请辞职的时候,企业应予同意。
第八条 合营企业职工的工资水平,按照所在地区同行业的国营企业职工实得工资的百分之一百二十到一百五十确定。
第九条 合营企业职工的工资标准、工资形式、奖励、津贴等制度,由董事会讨论决定。
第十条 合营企业提取的职工奖励和福利基金,必须用于对职工的奖励和集体福利,不得挪作他用。
第十一条 合营企业必须按照国营企业标准,支付中方职工劳动保险、医疗费用以及国家对职工的各项补贴。
第十二条 合营企业外籍职工的雇佣、解雇、辞职、报酬、福利和社会保险等事项,都应当在雇佣合同中规定。
第十三条 合营企业必须执行中国政府有关劳动保护的规章制度,保证安全生产和文明生产,中国政府劳动管理部门有权监督检查。
第十四条 合营企业发生的劳动争议,首先由争议双方协商解决;通过协商不能解决的,可以由争议的一方或双方向所在省、自治区、直辖市人民政府劳动管理部门请求仲裁;如有一方不服仲裁裁决,可以向人民法院提起诉讼。
第十五条 本规定的解释权属于中华人民共和国国家劳动总局。
第十六条 本规定自发布之日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by the State Council on July 26, 1980)
Article 1
Labour management problems concerning Chinese-foreign equity joint
ventures (hereinafter referred to as "joint ventures") shall all be
handled in accordance with these Provisions, in addition to the pertinent
stipulations in Article 6 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on
Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures.
Article 2
Matters pertaining to employment, dismissal and resignation of the workers
and staff members, tasks of production and other work, wages and awards
and punishment, working time and vacation, labour insurance and welfare,
labour protection and labour discipline in joint ventures shall be
stipulated in the labour contracts signed.
A labour contract is to be signed by a joint venture and the trade union
organization in the joint venture collectively. A relatively small joint
venture may sign contracts with the workers and staff members
A signed labour contract must be submitted to the labour management
department of the government of the province, autonomous region or
municipality directly under the Central Government for approval.
Article 3 [*1]
The workers and staff members of a joint venture either recommended by the
authorities in the locality in charge of the joint venture or the labour
management department, or recruited by the joint venture itself with the
consent of the labour management department, shall all be selected by the
joint venture through rigorous examinations. Joint ventures may run
workers' schools and training courses to train managerial personnel and
skilled workers.
Article 4
With regard to the workers and staff members who become redundant as a
result of changes in production and technical conditions of the joint
venture, those who fail to meet the requirements after training and are
not suitable for other jobs in the joint venture can be discharged.
However, this must be done in accordance with the stipulations in the
labour contract and the enterprise must give compensation to these
workers. The dismissed workers and staff members will be assigned to
other jobs by the authorities in charge of the joint venture or the labour
management department.
Article 5 [*2]
The joint venture may, according to the degree of seriousness of the case,
take action against those workers or staff members whose violation of the
rules and regulations of the enterprise has resulted in certain bad
consequences. Punishment by discharge must be reported to the authorities
in charge of the joint venture and the labour management department for
Article 6 [*3]
With regard to the dismissal and punishment of workers and staff members
by the joint venture, the trade union has the right to raise objections if
it considers them unreasonable, and send representatives to seek a
solution through consultation with the board of directors. Should the
consultation fail to arrive at a solution, the matter shall be handled in
accordance with the procedures set forth in Article 14 of these
Article 7
When workers and staff members of a joint venture, on account of special
circumstances, submit their resignation to the enterprise through the
trade union in accordance with the labour contract, the enterprise shall
give its consent.
Article 8
The pay levels of workers and staff members in a joint venture shall be
determined at 120-150% of the real wages of workers and staff members of
state-owned enterprises of the same trade in the locality.
Article 9
The wage standards, the forms of payment, and bonus and subsidy systems
are to be discussed and decided by the board of directors.
Article 10
The rewards and welfare funds drawn by the joint venture from the profits
must be used as rewards and collective welfare and shall not be diverted
to other uses.
Article 11
A joint venture must pay for the Chinese workers' and staff members'
labour insurance, cover their medical expenses and various kinds of
government subsidies in the line with the standards obtaining in state-
owned enterprises.
Article 12
The employment of foreign workers and staff members and their dismissal,
resignation, pay, welfare and social insurance and other relevant matters
shall all be specified in the employment contracts.
Article 13
Joint ventures must implement the relevant rules and regulations of the
Chinese Government on labour protection and ensure safety in production
and civilized production. The labour management department of the Chinese
Government has the right to supervise and inspect their implementation.
Article 14
Labour disputes occurring in a joint venture shall first of all be solved
through consultation by the two parties. If consultation fails to arrive
at a solution, either party or both parties may request arbitration by the
labour management department of the people's government of the province,
autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government
where the joint venture is located. Either party that disagrees to the
arbitration award may file a suit at a people's court.
Article 15
The right of interpretation of these Provisions resides in the State
Bureau of Labour of the People's Republic of China.
Article 16
These Provisions shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.
[*1] The provisions of this Article are no longer effective. The relevant
provisions now in force are those contained in Article 1 of the Circular
transmitted by the General Office of the State Council on May 5, 1988,
Concerning the Proposals on Further Implementation of Decision-Making
Power in Employment of Personnel by Enterprises with Foreign Investment,
submitted by the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Personnel.
[*2] The provision "Punishment by discharge must be reported to the
authorities in charge of the joint venture and the labour management
department for approval" as stipulated in this Article is no longer
effective. The relevant provisions now in force are those contained in
Article 10 of the Measures for Implementation of the Regulations on Labour
Management in Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures, promulgated by the
Ministry of Labour and Personnel with the approval of the State Council on
January 19, 1984.
[*3] The provisions of this Article are no longer effective. The relevant
provisions now in force are those contained in Article 5 of the Circular
transmitted by the General Office of the State Council on May 5, 1988,
Concerning the Proposals on Further Implementation of Decision-Making
Power in Employment of Personnel by Enterprises with Foreign Investment,
submitted by the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Personnel -The






| 项 目 标 准 |标准分| 评 分 标 准 |扣分|实得分| 备 注
一 | 人 员 配 备 |10 | | | |
| 确定一名行领导分管出纳工作,并定 | | 未确定一名行领导分 | | |
(一)| | 2 | | | |
|期研究、检查出纳工作。 | |管出纳工作不得分。 | | |
| 一级分行未设出纳处的必须确定一名 | | 未确定一名处长或副 | | |
(二)|会计处长专管出纳工作。会计处内设出 | 2 |处长专管出纳工作不得 | | |
|纳管理科,不少于3人。 | |分。 | | |
| 地、市分行出纳管理人员不少于3人 | | | | |
(三)| | 2 | 少于3人不得分。 | | |
|(不包括管库员)。 | | | | |
| 经办行配备一名科长或副科长专职负 | | | | |
(四)| | 2 | 未配备科长不得分。 | | |
|责出纳工作。 | | | | |
| 临柜出纳人员不得使用临时工。县级 | | 如有使用临时工者扣 | | |
(五)|行出纳人员不得少于4人,县以下办事 | 2 |0.5分/人,临柜人员不 | | |
|处不得少于2人。 | |足扣1分/人,扣完为 | | |
| | |止。 | | |

| 项 目 标 准 |标准分| 评 分 标 准 |扣分|实得分| 备 注
二 | 制 度 建 设 |20 | | | |
| 及时转发上级行有关文件并结合本行 | | 未转发上级行有关文 | | |
|实际情况制定相应措施。 | 6 |件不得分。转发不及时, | | |
(一)| | |或未制定相应措施的扣 | | |

| | |2分。 | | |
| 建立检查制度,每年对辖属进行一次 | | 建立检查制度或已建 | | |
|普查和不定期抽查,查前要有提纲,查 | |立但未执行不得分,0.5 | | |
(二)|时要有记录,查后应有整改意见,要发 | 4 |分/行,没有提纲记录、 | | |
|考核通报。 | |报表扣1分/次,扣完为 | | |
| | |止。 | | |
| 结合实际工作制定出具体、可执行的 | | 未制定考核评比办法 | | |
(三)|出纳工作考核评比办法。 | 3 |不得分,办法不具体扣 | | |
| | |1~3分。 | | |
| 执行出纳岗位培训及持证上岗制度。 | | 未建立持证上岗制度 | | |
| | |不得分,未坚持持证上 | | |
(四)| | 1 |岗制度扣0.5分/人,扣 | | |
| | |完为止。 | | |
| 经办行要建立岗位责任制、工作纪律、 | | 未建立管理制度不得 | | |
(五)|规章制度落实措施、工作考核奖惩办法 | 2 |分,每少一项扣0.5分, | | |
|等内部管理制度。 | |扣完为止。 | | |

| 制定出纳机具及电脑设备管理办法。 | | 未制定管理办法不得 | | |
(六)| | 1 | | | |
| | |分。 | | |
| 核定现金收付差错率、现金综合运用 | | 未建立考核指标不得 | | |
|率、残钞占库率、业务单项能手比率、业 | |分,每少一项扣0.5分, | | |
(七)|务全能能手比率、柜台电算化普及率、出 | 3 |扣完为止。 | | |
|纳机具(固定资产)完好率。 | | | | |
三 | 制 度 落 实 |40 | | | |
| 现金出纳业务核算所用帐簿(软盘)、 | | 帐簿不全扣0.5/本, | | |
(一)|凭证符合制度要求,并按制度规定装订 | 3 |使用不符合规范扣 | | |
|保管。 | |0.5/本,扣完为止。 | | |
| 遵守现金收付、提取、交存、出入库、 | | | | |
(二)|整点、兑换及结帐程序等基本规定,执 |10 | | | |
|行操作规程、手续规范。 | | | | |

| 收付现金要复核,单人临柜用机复核, | | 未按复核规程操作不 | | |
1 | |(1)| | | |
|双人临柜换人复核。 | |得分。 | | |
| 收款坚持先收款后记帐,付款先记帐 | | 未按收付现金规程操 | | |
2 | |(1)| | | |
|后付款的原则。 | |作不得分。 | | |
| 收付现金当面点清,一笔一清,款项 | | 违规不得分。 | | |
3 | |(1)| | | |
|未收妥或付出,不得离岗。 | | | | |
| 收入100元、50元大额现金要单指单| | 未采用单指单张初点不 | | |
4 | |(1)| | | |
|张初点。 | |得分。 | | |
5 | 收付现金及时登记现金收付日记簿。 |(1)| 违规不得分。 | | |

| 项 目 标 准 |标准分| 评 分 标 准 |扣分|实得分| 备 注
| 拆捆、拆把付零时,先清点无误后再 | | 未按规程操作不得 | | |
6 | |(1)| | | |
|配款。 | |分。 | | |
| | | 未按规程操作不得 | | |

7 | 付出现金要做到叫名、问数、对号。 |(1)| | | |
| | |分。 | | |
| 中午碰库、下午结帐,以钱碰帐,交 | | 未按规程操作不得 | | |
8 | |(1)| | | |
|叉复核,日清日结。 | |分。 | | |
| 钱箱要双人装箱,双人上锁,入库保 | | 装箱、上锁不是两人 | | |
9 | |(1)| | | |
|管。 | |者不得分。 | | |
| 现金、钱箱交接和入库保管要办理交 | | 未办理交接登记手续 | | |
10| |(1)| | | |
|接登记手续。 | |不得分。 | | |
(三)| 执行金库管理制度。 |15 | | | |
| 双人管库,双人押运,分工明确,坚 | | 未做到不得分,并从 | | |
1 |持“五同”(同进库、同出库、同开库、 |(4)|总分中倒扣20分。 | | |
|同在库、同锁库)。 | | | | |

| 库内保管的现金、有价证券等规定物 | | 查看有关登记簿及实 | | |
2 |品,应据实记载,规范管理。 |(2)|物放置情况。每项不符 | | |
| | |扣0.5分,扣完为止。 | | |
| 金库的正、副钥匙、密码按规定使用、 | | 现场查看并检查有关 | | |
3 | |(3)| | | |
|保管,定期检查。 | |登记簿,违规不得分。 | | |
4 | 金库安全防范设施齐全、状况良好。 |(1)| 违规酌情扣分。 | | |
| 新建或改造的金库,按规定报分行出 | | 未经审批和验收不得 | | |
5 | |(1)| | | |
|纳部门审批、验收。 | |分。 | | |
| 执行查库制度。省、自治区、直辖市, | | 未按规定查库扣 | | |
|计划单列市分行分管行长每年查库不少 | |1分/次,检查内容不全 | | |
|于一次,抽查面不少于10%;市、地行 | |扣0.5分/次,未登记查 | | |
6 |出纳科查库每季度不少于一次,经办行 |(4)|库登记簿扣1分,扣完 | | |
|主管行长每月不少于一次,出纳科长每 | |为止。 | | |

|旬不少于一次,查库时要按照规章制度, | | | | |
|做到内容全面,检查认真细致。及时登 | | | | |
|记查库登记簿。 | | | | |
| 执行行领导坐班制度。经办行分管出 | | 没有领导坐班登记簿 | | |
(四)|纳行领导每月到出纳营业室坐班不少于 | 2 |不得分,未按规定坐班 | | |
|一天,及时发现和解决问题。 | |扣0.5分/次,扣完为 | | |
| | |止。 | | |
| 执行交接制度。人员调动、岗位调换, | | 未办理交接手续扣 | | |
(五)|必须按规定办理交换手续,由监交人监 | 2 |1分/次,交接手续不规 | | |
|督。 | |范扣0.5分/次,扣完为 | | |
| | |止。 | | |
| 执行反假制度,发现假币按规定手续 | | 检查假币登记簿,发 | | |
(六)|处理并及时上报。 | 2 |现违规情况酌情扣分, | | |
| | |扣完为止。 | | |

| 项 目 标 准 |标准分| 评 分 标 准 |扣分|实得分| 备 注
| 执行出纳机具管理制度。地、市行要 | | 没有管理制度或已建 | | |
(七)|有专职或兼职人员负责出纳机具管理与 | 2 |立而未执行不得分,执 | | |
|维护。 | |行不力酌情扣分。 | | |
| 执行出纳错款、事故报告审批制度。发 | | 发生出纳错款、事故、 | | |
|生出纳错款、事故要按出纳制度规定,及 | |案件未上报不得分,上 | | |
(八)|时上报,认真查找,分清性质正确处理。 | 2 |报不及时扣0.5分,未 | | |
| | |按审批权限处理扣1~ | | |
| | |2分,扣完为止。 | | |
| 认真完成出纳业务统计报表的填报。 | | 核查报表,编制错误 | | |
|填写清楚、数字准确、编报及时。 | |扣0.5分/行,内容不实 | | |
(九)| | 2 |或不完整酌情扣分,扣 | | |
| | |完为止。 | | |

四 | 业务培训及技术考核 | 9 | | | |
| 分行每年组织一次技术能手定级考 | | 未组织技术能手定级 | | |
(一)| | 3 | | | |
|核。 | |考核不得分。 | | |
| 业务培训有计划、有组织、有落实。 | | 未组织业务培训不得 | | |
(二)| | 3 | | | |
| | |分。 | | |
| 经办行临柜人员达标上岗标准:双人 | | 未经岗前培训扣 | | |
|临柜,单指点钞时速8000张/小时,业| |1分/人,达不到上岗标 | | |
(三)|务知识70分以上;单人临柜,单指单张 | 3 |准扣0.5分/人/项,扣 | | |
|达到能手三级以上,熟悉出纳微机操作。 | |完为止。 | | |
五 | 营 业 安 全 | 6 | | | |
| 出纳柜台未发生错款及责任事故。 | | 发生3000~5000元 | | |
| | |(含)错款扣1分; | | |

| | |5000~8000元(含)错| | |
(一)| | 4 |款扣2分;8000~ | | |
| | |10000元(含)错款扣4 | | |
| | |分;10000元以上为较 | | |
| | |大责任事故或经济案 | | |
| | |件。 | | |
| 现金收付差错率控制在百万分之0.5 | | 每增加一个百万分点 | | |
(二)|以内。 | 1 |扣1分(可以从总分中 | | |
| | |倒扣)。 | | |
| 出纳营业室有必要的安全防护设施, | | 未有安全防护设施或 | | |
|并建立安全责任制。 | |未建立安全责任制不得 | | |
(三)| | 1 |分,违反安全责任制扣 | | |
| | |0.5分/人,扣完为止。 | | |
六 | 效 果 指 标 |15 | | | |

| 项 目 标 准 |标准分| 评 分 标 准 |扣分|实得分| 备 注
| 现金综合运用率(达到50%以上并且 | | 运用率每下降1%扣 | | | 现金综合运用率=
|现金备付率低于1%得满分)。 | |1分,扣完为止。 | | |(各部门付出现金+
| | | | | |系统内外调出现金)
(一)| | 4 | | | |÷(各部门收入现金
| | | | | |+系统内外调入现金
| | | | | |+库存现金累计)×
| | | | | |100%。
| 残钞占库率(低于2%得满分)。 | | 占库存率每上升 | | | 残钞占库率=日均
(二)| | 1 |0.5%扣1分,扣完为 | | |残钞量÷日均库存量
| | |止。 | | |×100%。
| 单项能手比率(达到50%得满分)。 | | 占有率每下降1%扣 | | | 业务单项能手占有
(三)| | 2 |1分,扣完为止。 | | |率=单项能手人数÷
| | | | | |在岗出纳员人数×
| | | | | |100%。
| 全能能手比率(达到20%得满分)。 | | 占有率每下降1%扣 | | |全能能手占有率=全能
(四)| | 1 |0.5分,扣完为止。 | | |能手人数÷在岗出纳
| | | | | |员人数×100%。

| 出纳机具完好率(达到80%得满分)。| | 完好率每下降1%扣 | | | 出纳机具完好率=
| | |0.5分,扣完为止。 | | |出纳机具完好量÷出
(五)| | 2 | | | |纳机具总数量×
| | | | | |100%。
| 柜台电算化普及率(达到80%得满 | | 尚未装机不得分。 | | | 包括全部出纳柜
(六)| | 3 | | | |
|分)。 | | | | |台。
| 优质服务柜台率(达到100%得满 | | 不符合标准不得分。 | | | 包括全部出纳柜
(七)| | 2 | | | |
|分)。 | | | | |台。
